STANDSTILL agencies want to be cheaper
STANDOUT agencies want to be more expensive
STANDSTILL agencies want to make their prospects and clients’ lives easy. They want to give them a win/win….”we can do the work like our competitors, and we’re also cheaper”.
STANDOUT agencies want to give their clients a problem. They want them to have to choose them (even though they’re not the cheapest option and may well be the most expensive).
Being the cheapest is not always a good thing, especially when you have a service-led business model. Being higher priced and still winning work is not just a financial benefit to the agency, it’s far more important than that. Winning work even though you’re charging more than others, improves your confidence, justifies your positioning and puts you in a position of strength with your clients. You’re seen as the expert at what you do. Your clients are prepared to pay more to have you work with them.
Are you winning work despite being more expensive than other agencies?