STANDOUT agencies know clients are happy

STANDSTILL agencies THINK their clients are happy
STANDOUT agencies KNOW their clients are happy

STANDSTILL agencies assume their clients are happy. They think because they don’t hear anything negative their customers must be happy with what they’re doing and how they’re doing it. They feel they can focus on new business and not worry about their existing clients too much. Often they’re wrong.

Clients are busy and it’s human nature to delay giving anybody negative feedback and address problems head on. Sometimes we all leave issues until they’re gone too far and then make snap decisions to avoid further pain and conflict. In short, you can have an unhappy client and not know about it until they’ve decided to go elsewhere.

STANDOUT agencies want to know what their clients are thinking (even if what they’re thinking is not necessarily positive). They don’t leave it to chance. They measure their client satisfaction regularly (at least twice a year). They use a consistent format to gather feedback so that they can compare clients, people and trends. Net Promoter Score (NPS) is their favoured tool (but not the only one).

Understanding what your clients are thinking is vital to retaining them. It allows you to fix issues before they become problems. You can stop clients leaving out of the back door whilst you are welcoming new ones in at the front.

When was the last time you did a structured satisfaction survey across all your clients?
