STANDOUT agency owners suffer from imposter syndrome

STANDSTILL agency owners suffer from imposter syndrome

STANDOUT agency owners suffer from imposter syndrome

With the possible exception of some members of the current UK government, we ALL suffer from imposter syndrome. It’s entirely normal, but nevertheless frustrating and unnerving.

Agency owners, like politicians, are confidence players. The more confidence they have in themselves, the more confidence they are able to able to inspire in others. This confidence can motivate people and win clients.

Confidence can be a hugely positive force when you have lots of it and things are going well, but hugely debilitating when you’ve had a few setbacks and things are not so good.

STANDSTILL agency owners, at times, lack confidence. They worry that they don’t know enough. That they lack the skills to be a good CEO.

STANDOUT agency owners also lack confidence. They worry that they will lose what they have built up. That they have lost some of the practical skills that they had before they grew their agency. That they don’t know as much about – say – SEO as they once did.

STANDOUT agency owners also lack confidence. They worry that they will lose what they have built up. That they have lost some of the practical skills that they had before they grew their agency. That they don’t know as much about – say – SEO as they once did. They think other agencies are better than they are.

No matter where we are in life and in our business journey, we all suffer from imposter syndrome occasionally. Some people acknowledge it more than others, but it affects our confidence and our performance.


There are a few simple steps you can take to overcome bouts of imposter syndrome and get back on track:

1. Separate feelings from facts – Just because you think these things, doesn’t mean they are true.

2. Remember you accomplishments – Keep a visible record of your successes (even the small ones). A quick look at these is sometimes needed and always uplifting.

3. Stop comparing yourself, and your agency, to others – You are on your own journey and the only person/agency you are competing with is yourself.

Remember: You’re all amazing.

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