STANDSTILL agencies deliver for clients
STANDOUT agencies deliver a great client experience
Has the pandemic damaged our interpersonal skills? Does today’s comms technology mask the value of actually talking to people? Is the art of client service dead?
All questions that have been running through my head this week.
I see far too many agencies that – just – deliver for their clients these days. They do the good job efficiently, effectively, and get paid for it. But they don’t give their clients a great experience. They don’t get to know them personally. They don’t make a human connection (never mind a friend).
STANDSTILL agencies have a transactional relationship with their clients. They don’t get to know them as people. They don’t invest time in getting to know more people in the client organisation. Their relationship is commercial. They’re suppliers.
STANDOUT agencies deliver the work, but they also deliver a great client experience. The best agencies get to know their clients and build strong personal relationships (beyond their key contact where they can). They constantly communicate with clients. They get to know people outside of work and enjoy networking / socialising with them. They support the person, not just the client business. They’re always looking for ways they can add value to their clients’ career, make their lives easier, and help them stand out in their own organisation.
Do they do this to win more work? Possibly. More importantly, they do it in case things go wrong.
When STANDOUT agencies have a problem with the client, they have people to talk to who will be willing to listen. If an invoice isn’t getting paid, they can call a friend, not email an accounts department. When mistakes are made, they can look for support, not fear the consequences.
STANDOUT agencies invest in their clients and the experience they have with them. They build personal relationships. They become partners.