STANDSTILL agency owners do it for the MONEY

STANDOUT agency owners do it for the JOURNEY

STANDSTILL agency owners want to grow their agency and sell it. They’re driven by money and the thought of an exit that allows them to “do something else”.

Most of us are in business to make money. Few of us want to run an agency for the rest of lives. But STANDSTILL agency owners are missing the point here.

Most STANDOUT agency owners certainly want to make money. Many are working towards selling the business at some point. What they all recognise though is that making money and doing something else is living in the future. STANDOUT agency owners live in the here and now.

You must enjoy what you’re doing now, not wait to enjoy something – as yet undecided – in the future. Running an agency can be tough, but as hard as it might seem, if you’re really committed to the business, at some point you’ll look back on even the hard times with pride.

Happiness is something we must all strive for TODAY not yearn for TOMORROW. For many, happiness involves money. I’m driven by financial success myself. But I’m also driven by something else; growth. After 25 years in business though, I know that growth occurs during the journey not at the end.
