STANDSTILL agency websites suffer from the 3 U’s.
STANDOUT agency websites avoid the 3 U’s.
An agency’s website is its shop window. STANDSTILL agency websites are usually afflicted by what I call the 3 U’s…
U number one is UNLOVED.
These sites are not cared for. They’re not updated regularly. The unloved website is a classic symptom of the agency that doesn’t do enough of it’s own marketing.
Browsing an agency website where the last blog post was 12 months ago, where the awards logos are more thsn 3 years old, or where their COVID policy is featured on the homepage? Chances are you’re looking at a STANDSTILL agency.
STANDOUT agencies make sure their websites are always updated. Websites are a crucial point of reference for new clients and new employees. If they don’t look cared for, what does that say about your agency as a service provider and an employer?
Look out for the second of the 3 U’s tomorrow….