What makes a STANDOUT client services person?

Client services roles in agencies are strange jobs…I should know, it’s how I started in agency life. I must have managed 100’s of people in this role over my career.

Despite modern tech and ways of working, CS still plays a vital role in growing an agency. But it’s a function that is strangely valuable to both client and agency, whilst sometimes being difficult to justify and charge for.

I’m often asked what makes a STANDOUT client services person. I tell people its someone with a mix of 3 things:

1. OIL – Keeping the wheels and projects moving swiftly and efficiently for both the client and internally.

2. GLUE – Building strong personal relationships with clients and keeping the production team together and motivated.

3. PETROL – Fuelling new ideas and ways of working with the client and – when required – lighting a few fires internally when the agency is behind schedule.

A cocktail of skills that often don’t mix well it has to be said. It’s difficult to find somebody that has all 3 attributes in equal measure, which is why you often need a team of people with complementary skills.

#StandoutOrDie #StandoutSecrets #AgencyGrowth