Things that STANDSTILL agencies talk to prospective clients about:
– Their people (as – apparently – they’re better than anyone else’s)
– Their awards (as if clients really care about industry gongs)
– Their clients (even though they haven’t worked for some of them for years)
– Their multiple offices (even though those global addresses are often just that; addresses)
– Their services (as – unlike anybody else – they can do anything and everything in-house)
– Their process (even though they don’t actually use it on live briefs)
– Their independence (as if clients have an issue with working with larger agencies)
All these things have one thing in common. They’re about the agency.
Things that STANDOUT agencies talk to prospective clients about:
– Insight.
Clients want to see if a new agency can help them solve their problems, not how good they are at talking about themselves.
STANDOUT agencies give their prospects insights about their market, their customers and their competitors. They inspire them with new ideas, new solutions and new opportunities. They convince them with relevant case studies showing work they’ve done before.
Don’t tell your prospects things. Give them something useful.
#StandoutOrDie #StandoutSecrets #AgencyGrowth