STANDOUT agencies have a high profile

They may have forgotten about you (but don’t take it personally)…

STANDSTILL agencies think people have good memories.

STANDOUT agencies know people have short memories (and other priorities).

”They know what we do and how we can help them”.
”They know where we are when they need us”
”They’ll get in touch if they need something”

I’ve heard these sorts of statements from agency owners many times when referring to clients and members of their network.

STANDSTILL agencies assume they’re always front of mind. They believe their clients and network are fully aware of what the agency is doing. They think the moment there is an opportunity, or a need, the client will be in touch or recommend them.

Sadly nothing is further from the truth. Sadder still is that these agencies haven’t read Chapter 10 of my book STANDOUT OR DIE.

Unless you are in regular contact, people soon lose touch with what you are doing. Hopefully you’ve not been forgotten completely, but there is a massive difference between this and being the first name to come out of a clients mouth when they’re asked to recommend an agency.

Don’t assume the phone will ring. Assume it won’t. Get out there and make sure your network gets a regular stream of communication from you to keep your profile high.

#StandoutOrDie #StandoutSecrets #AgencyGrowth