STANDOUT agencies map their clients

STANDSTILL agencies don’t develop existing client relationships. They focus their energy on finding new clients not farming the ones they have.

But how do you go about farming and growing existing clients?

One tactic I always recommend: map the organisation (or at least the parts of it you’re likely to come into contact with).

You may have heard the phrase “your network is your net worth”. Growing your network is a key activity in attracting new business. It has just as much power inside your client as it does in the wider world.

Time and time again I come across agencies working with big companies where they only know one or two key people. Grow your influence inside your clients by getting to know people you don’t directly work with.

Start by mapping the client organisation to see how many people you know (and how many people you don’t). Keep it to the marketing team in the first instance, but make it your mission to get to know more people than those you currently directly work with.

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