STANDSTILL agency owners are pessimists.
STANDOUT agency owners are optimists.
Yesterday I was joined by Phil Blackmore on the Agencynomics Podcast. The topic of conversation? Optimism.
Phil shared some inspiring stories and insightful thoughts on the power of optimism. He also revealed his love for Lego and Trance music as a form of relaxation. You can listen to the full Podcast by clicking the link in the comments.
One of the key points for me was the importance of mindset when building an agency. Having an optimistic outlook is vital when you’re leading a business. It not only influences your own behaviour, but the mood, actions, and productivity of your team.
There’s a lot of negativity around at the moment. Some agencies are reporting that there has been a noticeable slowdown in decision-making from clients. It’s frustrating and worrying if it’s happening to you.
The reality is that we are all inherently both pessimistic and optimistic, just never at the same time. What we focus on is often influenced by our environment; what is happening around us and the people we associate with.
The good thing is that every day we have a choice. You have a choice today.
STANDOUT agency leaders choose optimism. Have a great day!
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