Lots of agencies operate a freelance model these days. They have few full-time employees and run their business through a network of freelancers. It’s an attractive model for some, but one I struggle with.
I understand the advantages, but for me, running an agency has always been about building teams and developing a culture. I’ve seen some great freelance operations in action, but I can’t say they’re a substitute for a team of committed employees. Moreover, as an agency owner you always seem to be stuck at the centre of everything in this type of freelance arrangement. With no management team or structure, everything always comes back to you.
As successful as some of these agencies are, you always need to consider the future too. Who is going to buy an agency that is essentially a black book of freelancers with a strong relationship with the current owner?
This approach can also limit growth and ambition. Many people see a growing permanent wage bill as a burden. I look at it the other way around; if you have a large wage bill you automatically have a large sales target to achieve. Ambitious targets deliver growth not outsourcing work.
STANDSTILL agencies deploy freelancers.
STANDOUT agencies employ a team.
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