#1 How to become a sales driven agency.

Sales is often seen as a dirty word in agencies, but if you want to actively grow your agency, you must embrace a sales culture.

I recently ran a workshop with an agency on how to become a sales driven agency. We discussed 10 factors in how to move your agency from STANDSTILL to STANDOUT when it comes to sales.

#1 – The first and most important factor is also the most obvious. The agency owner must themselves be driven by sales and not by the latest tech trend or creative work etc.

Drive comes from one of two things: hunger or fear.

1. Hunger – To drive sales, you need to be motivated to achieve stretching financial goals. The numbers involved here vary depending on the individual. For some it’s enough to pay off the mortgage, for others it’s the yacht in Monaco. Whatever your goals, the figures must be significant and currently out of your reach. You cannot be satisfied with a “Lifestyle business”, you must want a “Change your Lifestyle business”.

2. Fear – Some people are hungry, others are scared. You’ve put too much into this agency for it all to go wrong. You remember what it was like to be skint, you don’t want to be back there again. You hated your last “proper” job, no way are you going back to that. Whatever the reason for your fear, it can fuel your desire to grow your agency…and keep growing it.

I’ve met hungry agency owners. I’ve met agency owners who are driven by fear. If you want to become a sales driven agency it doesn’t matter which one you are. What drives you works for you. You absolutely cannot be something that will never move your agency from STANDSTILL to STANDOUT though….comfortable and complacent.

Look out for #2 tomorrow….

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