STANDOUT agencies have shareholder’s agreements
Shareholder’s agreements outline shareholders’ rights and obligations which provides protection for each shareholder. They also protect and govern the management of the company.
STANDOUT agencies break their goals into smaller milestones.
STANDSTILL agencies hide from the data and guess whether they’re making progress.
STANDOUT agencies set a big goal then break it down into smaller milestones to keep them motivated and monitor their progress.
STANDOUT agencies employ a team.
Lots of agencies operate a freelance model these days. They have few full-time employees and run their business through a network of freelancers. It’s an attractive model for some, but one I struggle with.
STANDSTILL agencies deploy freelancers.
STANDOUT agencies employ a team.
STANDOUT agencies employ a team.
Lots of agencies operate a freelance model these days. They have few full-time employees and run their business through a network of freelancers. It’s an attractive model for some, but one I struggle with.
STANDSTILL agencies deploy freelancers.
STANDOUT agencies employ a team.
STANDOUT agencies are confident agencies
I often get asked what the biggest differentiator between STANDSTILL and STANDOUT agencies is.
It’s a tricky question to answer as many factors come into play. If I had to pick one though it would be this: confidence.
STANDOUT agencies don’t have a winning mentality.
STANDSTILL agencies have a winning mentality,
STANDOUT agencies don’t.
”Wait…what? Surely it’s the other way around?” I hear you say.
I can think of no other industry where commercial success is so commonly and overtly labelled as “winning”. In other sectors businesses acquire users, they attract new customers, they do deals, they sign contracts, they form partnerships.