#8 How to become a sales driven agency.

#8 – The eighth factor in my series of how to become a sales driven agency is going to blow your mind. You must turn down work.

What? I hear you say. It’s true though.

If you accept and give your maximum effort to winning EVERY opportunity that comes your way, you will not grow in the way you want.

Not all leads are created equally. Some are not right for you. As counter-intuitive and difficult as it is, you must turn down work.

The key to doing this is having a system of qualifying clients. A way of assessing of the opportunity is right for you. A way of deciding if it’s worth your time, and if you can deliver what the prospect wants in an effective and commercially successful way for BOTH sides.

STANDOUT agencies qualify clients. STANDOUT agencies turn opportunities down.

Check out my previous posts for factors #1 – #7 or look out for #9 tomorrow….

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